Past Galas

Thank you to everyone who made this a memorable event.

The 2022 LEAD Awards ceremony was held on June 8, 2022 at the Hyatt Regency Dallas, TX. Thank you to everyone who attended and congratulations to our award recipients.

LEAD Awards Honorees 2022

Nathan Zundel

Natan Zundel, MD, FASMBS

William Gourash

William Gourash, PhD, CRNP, RN, CBN

George Fielding

George Fielding, MD

Christine Ren-Fielding

Christine Ren-Fielding, MD

Melissa Majumdar

Melissa Majumdar, MS, RD, CSOWN, LDN

Barham Abu Dayyeh

Barham Abu Dayyeh, MD

Vern Vincent

Vern Vincent

2022 Gala Photos

Past LEAD Events